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Gerard Luchini

We are sorry to report the recent passing of former compliance officer, Gerard Luchini.

Gerard will be known to many clients. He joined Fiske in 1997 and retired in 2020.

Gerard was the first official compliance officer that Fiske had and was appointed to the Board. Essentially pragmatic, Gerard was able to offer practical solutions to compliance issues that remained firmly within the rules. He achieved this by being a good listener, having a sound knowledge of the regulations and plenty of experience gleaned from his previous position at Royal Bank of Canada.

Known fondly at Fiske as ‘The Monk’, Gerard had prepared to take holy orders after leaving school. He completed his training in Dublin before spending two years in the Vatican though he did not take his Final Vows.

He was a most congenial and generous man. His office door was always open ready for him to receive and listen to staff who required guidance. Equally, he enjoyed companionship and rarely, if ever, declined an invitation to lunch, or a ‘swift pint’ after the ‘close of play’.

He was a keen follower of motor racing and enjoyed attending various European Grand Prix meetings. He was also a lover of cricket and liked nothing more than to spend a day at Lord’s supporting England. An avid reader, especially of history, Gerard had an excellent recall of facts.

Suffering from serious health issues, Gerard retired from Fiske in 2020 and pursued interests beyond the City, travelling and spending more time with his family.

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