Aim Rule 26 – Company disclosures
As Fiske plc shares have been admitted to AIM Rules for Companies. The company is obliged, under rule 26, to maintain a website which must disclose certain company information. Although most of the mandatory disclosures are already on the website in various sectors we have decided to make a separate section which will either provide the information or direct you to the relevant website icon. Accordingly, the following information is required by AIM;
- Fiske plc is a trading company which offers investment services to retail and professional clients.
Fiske plc is incorporated in England & Wales. The main area of operation is the United Kingdom.
- Fiske plc is quoted on the AIM Market of the LSE. It has neither applied nor agreed to have its securities admitted or traded on any other exchange.
- As at the date of this disclosure, the shares in issues, significant shareholders and shares not in public hands are found at the Shareholder Profile page.
- There are no restrictions on the transfer of Fiske plc shares.
- Both the Annual and half-yearly accounts can be found under Report & Accounts on the website.
- All notifications made by Fiske plc in the past five years are to be found under Regulatory headlines on the website.
- The Board of Fiske plc approved and selected the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code believing it to be both proportionate and appropriate for the company. Further information concerning the code will be found under Investor Relations – Corporate Governance. The code will be the subject of an annual review by the board, last review 15 November 2024.
- The names of the directors and brief biographical details are contained in the Annual Report and Accounts and can also be found here.
- A description of the responsibilities of the members of the board and details of the board committees can be found on the website here.
- Fiske plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. In order to conduct investment business the company is also bound by the rules and regulations of the Financial Conduct Authority; our regulator.
- Fiske’s nominated advisor and other key advisors can be found here.
- Fiske’s Articles of Association can be found on the website under Articles of Association
- The company’s circulars can be found under Circulars